We are soon to start our club’s 126th year and during that time everything has changed and yet all has stayed the same.

Let me explain. In 1898, when we started, lots of cameras had a glass plate on to which the photograph was made, all housed in a heavy wooden box. But new smaller cameras, using celluloid roll film were easy to use and becoming popular.

Now, although modern digital cameras are still popular for some, because of mobiles, everyone is walking around with a camera in their pocket.

However, what has stayed the same is that whatever equipment you use, where to point the camera and when to press the shutter are still the most important things to know.

During this time our club has had to keep evolving and adapting how we help our members with the ever changing technology.

What has stayed the same is the objective of the club; To assist and encourage the enjoyment of photography.

Evolution of course moves at different speeds, and one of our clubs’ big successful recent innovations are our Special Interest groups, known by us all as SIGs.

Debbie, Sue, Ian, Ben, Tony, and Dave on a Steet SIG Location day.

These groups organised and run by the members involved, concentrate on a specific type of photography. They organise practical sessions, reviews, location shoots, in fact whatever they wish, and any member can join any or all of these SIGs if they wish. Currently we have a Landscape SIG, Street SIG, and a portrait SIG, but any member can start one on any subject to do with photography. Both experienced and newcomers to photography working together, learning from each other, and enjoying a fun social boost to their hobby.

Why not check out more of our website.

The enjoyment  of Photography is at the heart of what we do.

Thinking of joining? Email; membership@swindonphotosoc.org.uk

Or turn up on a Thursday club night at; 19.30,

The Des Moffatt Western Community Centre, Somerset Road, Rodbourne, Swindon, SN2 1NF,